Tuesday 17 May 2011

Goddess Zodiac : Lakshmi / Goddess of Wisdom

Lakshmi-Goddess of Wisdom,Abundance and Sovereignty/ When merchants closed their their yearly account books,they stopped to give Lakshmi thanks. Fearless and pure of heart she exists in all forms of wealth, both internal and external - wherever a beautiful garden grows or place of harmony is created and cherished , one can find Lakshmi / concept by artist Amy Zerner

learning reading :" The Qabalistic Tarot" by Robert Wang , philosophical qabalistic work that will take you life time to read /  "The Qabalah" by Will Parfitt; to spark some ideas, how to start interacting with the idea that World is alive

constructing your own Tree of Life is helping your learning process and inspiring new ideas / this is combination of traditional redention of the tree with personal symbology and ideas , in this case focus was understanding Pillars of the Tree

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