Tuesday 14 June 2011

Darkest and Longest Total Lunar Eclipse

The Longest lunar eclipse in eleven years , occurs on wensday june 15th 2011, with prime position for watchers in Europe , Asia , the Middle East , Africa and Australia .
This eclipse occurs at 24 degrees Sagittarius, with the Sun in Gemini. It is lengthy Eclipse with total phase lasting about 100 minutes.
While many astrological translations are somewhat darkly overshadowed by this event , others point out that lunar eclipses in general can be seen in psychological effects , as bringing important information from the depths of unconscious , subconscious to the light and clarity of consciousness. It is advised to wait for some weeks with making strong decisions, for some new knowledge which takes place at this pot , to crystalize.
While in some cultures and religions, people will go trough strenuous practices that surround this astro occurrence ; the rest of us regardless believe systems, can take some inspiration from. Cleaning and cleansing of clothing and home and fasting before eclipse , and burning incense and and quietly focusing on positive energies for the world, during the eclipse…
in either case , let us hope for a clear sky tomorrow evening

Friday 10 June 2011

The Game of Life

illustration by Ivona Batuta 2011

Five Eco Stories

Organic cotton / Synthetic leather / Linen / Waterbased printing / Eco Couture /

Book of Dreams : Dream Catcher

Created for Dream Coach theme,
is depicting Dream Coach as a fishermen -
he is also fishing in the water- like fluid dimension of dreams.
Motives of Night, Moon , Reflection are present in this illustrations.
Figures are symbolically representing various activities of Dream Coach,
fishing the dreams/ remembering them , recording them, communicating them.
Mending the nets/ making connections, helping the dreamer establish cognitive relationin-between his dream and waking experience , and finally as in the night fishing fisherman's use lightto attract the fish, so dream coach is there to point towards illuminating , knowledge gaining experience of trying to relate to our dream experiences. Repeated spheres in the illustration , take further the reflective motive of the moon… In this illustrations there are moon and the sun , and all other celestial bodies, as well as the light of our own inherent star-souls, represented by halos around Dream Catchers.

Illustration ( Ivona Batuta 2010 )  created as contribution to Nicoline Douwes Isema and Cathelijne Esser web place for acquiring dream caching skills / www.droomcoach.com / with kind and essential help of Arnoud and Others from www.doehetnietzelf.org  / artists were given color parameter of black, white , in-between and orange, while the themes were given interpretations and expressions were left to artists imagination

Book of Dreams: Dreams Oracle

Created for Keeping of Dreams theme
focuses on the Lunar nature of the activity of dreaming,
Moon is also related to rhythms of water on Earth, and element of water,
both in actual as archetypal sense which represents emotions and feminine.
Water reflects, so are the dreams for us to reflect upon those messages from deep
within/without, and help us get more information and understanding of that elusive factor x ,
which makes up for most of our existence.
Figure is caching its image in the bowl of water, divining the oracle of the dreams.
Curtains veiling the mysteries of knowledge , are patterned with graph results of brain wave EEG scans,and the ones behind the head of the figure, are "stage four" , or the moment of dreaming,
where brain is receiving more intense electrical impulses.
Illustrations is also suggestive of using both traditional and modern methodologies to develop your own dream vocabulary.

Illustration ( Ivona Batuta 2010 )  created as contribution to Nicoline Douwes Isema and Cathelijne Esser web place for acquiring dream caching skills / www.droomcoach.com / with kind and essential help of Arnoud and Others from www.doehetnietzelf.org  / artists were given color parameter of black, white , in-between and orange, while the themes were given interpretations and expressions were left to artists imagination

Tuesday 31 May 2011

Gayatri Mantra

drawings 96/97 by Ivona Batuta

video with Gayatri Mantra (27 repetitions)

Revered by both Buddhists and Hindus worldwide.
The Entire Mantra says, "I invoke the Earth Plane, The Astral Plane, The Celestial Plane, The Plane of Spiritual Balance, The Plane of Human Spiritual Knowledge, The Plane of Spiritual Austerites, and The Plane of Ultimate Truth. Oh, great Spiritual Light which is the brilliance of all Divinity, we meditate upon You. Please illuminate our minds."

The Theosophical Society Library

drawings 96/97 by Ivona Batuta

on the path of Self discovery? those living in Amsterdam , have privilege of using book treasury of Theosophical Society of Nederland , their library caring extensive collection on Comparative Religion study , Theosophy , Esoteric , as well as related work in literature , philosophy, psychology , astrology and much more…/ www.theosofie.nl / De Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland

Saturday 28 May 2011

Gil Scott-Heron

Gil Scott-Heron & Jamie XX - I'm New Here

Monday 23 May 2011

Silent Disco - Again

Silent Disco Club / gewoon knallen met de koptelefoon! / www.club-8.nl / 11-juni-2011 / www.silentdisco.com

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Goddess Zodiac : Lakshmi / Goddess of Wisdom

Lakshmi-Goddess of Wisdom,Abundance and Sovereignty/ When merchants closed their their yearly account books,they stopped to give Lakshmi thanks. Fearless and pure of heart she exists in all forms of wealth, both internal and external - wherever a beautiful garden grows or place of harmony is created and cherished , one can find Lakshmi / concept by artist Amy Zerner

learning reading :" The Qabalistic Tarot" by Robert Wang , philosophical qabalistic work that will take you life time to read /  "The Qabalah" by Will Parfitt; to spark some ideas, how to start interacting with the idea that World is alive

constructing your own Tree of Life is helping your learning process and inspiring new ideas / this is combination of traditional redention of the tree with personal symbology and ideas , in this case focus was understanding Pillars of the Tree

Goddess Zodiac : Hekate / Goddess of Mysteries

Hekat was worshiped in pre-dynastic Egypt as symbol of tribal matriarchal ruler, and later assosiated with woman's knowledge of mysteries of childbirth and occult , magical side of life/sign of Scorpio / Hecate - Selene / concept by Amy Zerner

essential reading : "Man and His Symbol" / Carl G. Jung , M.L. von Franz, Joseph L. Henderson, Jolande Jacobi, Aniela Jaffe

Goddess Zodiac : T'ai Yuan / Goddess of Duality

T'ai Yuan - The Great Original Goddess / Goddess of Duality/"Yin" (the female principle) receptivity, darkness, the Earth, the Moon/"Yang"(the male principle) action, light, Heaven, the Sun , reason/ concept by artist Amy Zerner

essential readings : Psychosynthesis by Roberto Assagioli

Goddess Zodiac : Artemis / Goddess of Discernment

Artemis, independent Goddess of Moon and Woods / She rules primeval natural world of perfection , unknown in the cities . She follows her own path and is perfectly complete without the man , and when she does choose one , she's equal / altho in her Huntress aspect she represents The Goddess as Destroyer of Life , she is Protectress of The Mother , her tenderness extending to animal mothers and their offspring / Her joy is to sleep under the stars, excel physically and seek her own destiny / Sign of Virgo / concept artist Amy Zerner

fun & information : The Encyclopedia of Myths and Legends by Stuart Gordon / while most of Dictionaries try to remain "objective", this author took sides / wonderful read to inspire you look further in that direction

Sunday 15 May 2011

Goddess Zodiac : Freya / Goddess of Leadership

Freya-Scandinavian and Germanic expression of The Goddess , living in the Sky-Palace Folkvang / fully armed ,she rode across the bloody battlefields accompanied by her band of Valkyries , maidens following dramatic goddess on flying horses , while grasping flaming spears / she is the sender of Trance state from which knoledge and wisdom arise / shapeshifts into bird / sign of Leo / concept by Amy Zerner

Goddess Zodiac : Diviana / Goddess of Protection

Diviana meant Divine Being (Great Mother Goddess) in ancient Rome / she is associated with the Moon , sign of Cancer and Mother in astrology / when we look up at the moon we see symbol of Motherhood, Womankind and The Goddess / concept by artist Amy Zerner

Black Cat . White Cat / Ivona Batuta ink drawing and photocopy on plastic, last page diary 96/97

Learning Reading : The Mystical Qabalah / Dion Fortune

Goddess Zodiac : Brigit / Goddess of Communication

Celtic expression of goddess from western European countries,representing learning,culture,and skills,agricultural pursuits,goddess of eternal spring and poets,she invented written word so that knowledge and creativity can be conveyed to the world / She is The Triple Goddess of Poetry , Heeling and Smithery / her soldiers are known as outlaws to those who sought to impose religion on her old ways / she is as dear to Pagans and Christians , alike/ Brigit is Mercurial force , and the written word she creates results into new realities / sign of Gemini / concept by artist Amy Zerner

drawing Ivona Batuta 2002 / www.darkstarfashion.com

Isaac Asimov (Isaak Yudovich Ozimov) / Nemesis

Saturday 14 May 2011

Goddess Zodiac : Aphrodite / Goddess of Affection

Aphrodite- Risen from the Sea Foam/ Goddess of Affection/ Beloved of the Queen of Heaven / Her Love unbounded by convention / Sign of Taurus / concepts by artist Amy Zerner / Goddess casual wear

Drawing by Ivona Batuta / to see garment and more about the "Water" concept , visit www.darkstarfashion.com